How Same Day Medication Delivery Benefits Pharmacies and Patients

“A pharmacy that offers free delivery service”, is not a line that stands out these days as most local pharmacies advertise this service.

So, when an online app offers this free home delivery, it may not seem like service would make that much of a difference.

But have you ever considered how much time you sacrifice to take advantage of this “free” delivery service at your local pharmacy? One phone call to make the order, with a few more to ensure that the delivery driver has picked it up and then maybe another one to check up on the status. With the time spend on hold and waiting at home to ensure that the drive doesn’t leave without delivering the medication, you can end up losing anywhere from a few hours to an entire days’ worth of time. Not so “free” when you think of it this way.

A delivery service done right can have numerous other advantages as well which can help you lead a much healthier life especially when it’s included as part of a comprehensive medication management program.

Let’s take a look at a few of these important advantages that will benefit anyone taking one or more medications.

1. Increased Medication Adherence

Taking all of your medications correctly — or  adherence to your medications — can be more challenging if you’ve got multiple prescriptions, each one coming with its own set of instructions.

Purchasing all of your medications separately at a brick-and-mortar drugstore adds to that complexity.

If you are able to get all your medications delivered right to your door, presorted into a single package, organized by day and time, and with clear instructions for taking them correctly. Then all of a sudden, the process becomes much easier.

2. Increased Medication Safety

Online pharmacies utilize newer technologies to ensure that your prescriptions are filled correctly. Since local pharmacies rely on manual processes to fill prescriptions which has an inherent error rate, online pharmacies achieve greater accuracy by removing these error laden processes.

Another risk comes from the delivery process itself, since most local pharmacies utilize drivers untrained in delivering medications, incorrect storage might damage medications especially the ones that require refrigeration. Make sure that your online pharmacies offers monitoring of temperature for your medications while delivering.

3. Increased Efficiency

Another benefit of using advanced computer technology and robotic dispensing tools is greater efficiencies throughout the medication management process. Compared to traditional pharmacies, online pharmacies may improve efficiencies in a number of ways thus resulting in faster deliveries, and more time available to spend with their patients and ensuring that your drug plans are optimized to benefit to the maximum.

4. Saves Money

When you add up the benefits of easy adherence, greater accuracy and efficiency home delivery of medications is a great way to reduce your healthcare costs over the long term.

Do you have questions about online pharmacy services for your medications or are looking for one?

Give Algo App a try! It provides a customized medication management program that improve your quality of life and help you save time and money.

Also Read: Birth Control Options: Myths v/s Reality